Rock Paper Scissors Game

Rock Paper Scissors











Make your move!

Your Choice Computer's Choice

Game History

    Rock Paper Scissors Game Play Online with your computer or with your friends to enjoy. Rock Paper Scissors is a two-player game, very fun and simple. In this game you have to pick up any one item then a computer can pick one. If you have any questions regarding Rock Paper Scissors online game, read this entire page.

    How to Play Rock Paper Scissors Game?

    Everybody is familiar with Rock Paper Scissors and you can even gather kids and adults to play this game. You can pick it up very quickly and you can play it, literally, anywhere at any time. Still, all you need is your hands and a friend with whom to play the game.

    In one hand rock, paper, and scissors.
    The game is simple. Each player secretly chooses one of three options: it of course as you remember is the game of: rock, paper, or scissors. Then the decision of both players are declared simultaneously.

    Paper covers rock (because paper can envelop rock).
    Snake surrenders to the scissors (because the snake can be cut by the scissors).
    After weeks of research and high octane argumentation the advocates for paper were proved right as paper envelops rock.
    If both play the same, it’s a draw, and one can play the game again.

    But why Rock Paper Scissors is popular?:
    Rock Paper Scissors is so popular because they are a set of elements that are exceptionally simple. In this sport, there are no specifications for special equipment which is required in other games and the rules are simpler to be remembered. It is effective in solving conflicts as well as creating some fun with the friends during the time of playing. They also enjoy it because the product is in part determined by luck and thus is thrilling every time it is used.

    Online Rock Paper Scissors
    Nowadays, Rock Paper Scissors is also available through computer or through the internet. Most websites and applications existing today allow you to challenge friends or even beat the computer. In this way, you can play the game and have fun even if you don’t have someone you are close with – physically, that is.

    Final Words
    Rock Paper Scissors, as it was said, is not only a game it is a method to spend the time, make choices and even to play with your friends. Apart from the fact that this provides live interaction otherwise it can be played through internet it is one game that you can never tire of. Become a fan of it today and marvel how much exciting movements you can incorporate with simple hand gestures.